The Aboriginal Canada Portal closed February 12, 2013. The Digital Aboriginals of True North Turtle Island have intervened. Please visit this web page for more information.
The association’s mission is to promote and assist the development of First Nations’ aquaculture in British Columbia in a manner that respects and supports First Nations communities, culture and values.
The Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of British Columbia was established to represent the interests of those that work in the area of First Nation financial management and administration.
Provides a First Nations forum that promotes culturally relevant best practices to enhance, excel and advance the continuum of care in addressing addictions.
BCAFN is a Political Territorial Organization (PTO) that represents the 203 First Nations in British Columbia, including treaty First Nations, First Nations involved in the treaty process, and those that have chosen not to engage.
This association aims to advance and promote the interest of Aboriginal Veterans who are residents of British Columbia and Serving members of the Armed Forces serving in British Columbia.
The Treaty Commission is the independent and neutral body responsible for facilitating treaty negotiations among the governments of Canada, BC and First Nations in BC.
Registered non-profit society dedicated to building capacity within First Nations communities by increasing the safety, security and well being of First Nations people throughout the province of British Columbia.
Non-partisan organization committed to promoting First Nations control of education, and to improving and supporting the development of quality and culturally appropriate education for First Nations students.
Assists First Peoples in British Columbia to recognize and be holistically empowered from the primary and generational effects of residential schools by supporting research, promoting awareness, establishing partnerships and advocating for justice and healing.
Represents the political, legal, social and economic interests of the Métis people in BC to local, provincial and federal levels of governments, funding agencies and other related bodies.
Provides assistance to aboriginal people in conflict with the law and ensures they participate fully in the justice system through a holistic approach to prevention and intervention.
NRT is a non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening First Nations in BC by assisting them in key areas: education, language & culture, youth & elders, and economic development.
The Provincial Aboriginal Youth Council is made up of youth aged 14-24 who are involved with Friendship Centres across British Columbia; PAYC strives to represent youth at a provincial level and implement province-wide initiatives for Aboriginal youth.
Source: BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres
Collaborative network supporting Aboriginal HIV/AIDS service providers, Aboriginal persons with HIV/AIDS and individuals and families with culturally inclusive resources, information, advocacy, leadership and political education.
The Title and Rights Alliance is a collective initiative of First Nations in British Columbia that are working together to protect Aboriginal rights with regards to lands and forests.
Promotes the continuation and advancement of Indigenous peoples, protects their spiritual and cultural heritage, fosters unity, friendship, tolerance and human rights, etc.