The Aboriginal Canada Portal closed February 12, 2013. The Digital Aboriginals of True North Turtle Island have intervened. Please visit this web page for more information.
Courses in Aboriginal Art cater to specific interests in developing art that is inspired by the arts of the Americas and gaining an understanding of the multitude of indigenous art forms.
Offers an opportunity for residents of Manitoba to enter an exciting career in teaching through a university that is an acknowledged leader in community-based teacher training.
Brandon University was the first university in western Canada to found a Native Studies department, in 1975. They continue to be the leaders in innovative programming.
This program was formulated using First Nations and Aboriginal holistic approaches to counselling, healing and community, and now incorporates Aboriginal culture and language values.
Community-based teacher education program that allows students to combine paraprofessional work in their community schools from September to April with courses at Brandon University from April to July.
ABEP provides academic, financial, professional and personal support to Aboriginal students wanting to complete a degree in the I.H. Asper School of Business at the University of Manitoba.
This page from the Aboriginal Student Centre lists the cultural services provided, the upcoming events, the programs available, and provides contact information of various Aboriginal related programs and services.
The Centre is a joint initiative of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Manitoba, and the Foundations for Health.
This page provides information about financial assistance as well as admission and program requirements for Aboriginal students who wish to pursue a Ph.D. at the University of Manitoba.
Establishes bridges between students' cultural backgrounds and the culture of the university, and between their remote home communities and the home they establish in the city while pursuing their education.
The full-time eight-month IPPD Program will prepare individuals of Métis, First Nation, or Inuit descent to be successful in meeting the admission requirements of police forces across Manitoba.
The two-year Aboriginal Community Development program focuses on building and maintaining resources in communities so that they are self-sufficient and healthy places to live and work.
This page from the Services for Aboriginal Students links to the Aboriginal Services Staff, the Cultural Centre, the Cultural Events and Activities and the Elders Program.
The School of Indigenous Education works cooperatively with the community, students, and staff to ensure Aboriginal students have access to the supports and services needed to successfully complete their program at Red River College
Works cooperatively with the community, students, and staff to ensure Aboriginal students have access to the supports and services needed to successfully complete their program at Red River College.