The Aboriginal Canada Portal closed February 12, 2013. The Digital Aboriginals of True North Turtle Island have intervened. Please visit this web page for more information.
Works with BC Aboriginal leaders and their communities to plan for the establishment of five Aboriginal regional authorities to deliver services for Aboriginal children & families.
Source: Government of British Columbia; Children and Family Development
The Aboriginal Peoples Family Accord will provide a framework for Aboriginal People to develop and deliver community-based child and family services in British Columbia.
Meets the needs of caregivers of Aboriginal children, and the needs of communities for targeted development, recruitment, and training of Aboriginal foster families.
The FRIAA is the Aboriginal planning committee responsible for the development of a community-based Aboriginal Authority for Children and Family Development for the Fraser Region.
This information package, a useful and readily-available resource tool for you and your community, assists you as you care for First Nations children and youth.
Kikino Metis Children and Family Services Society provides broad-based community prevention and education programs that are designed to support families in raising their children.
The Métis Commission For Children and Family Services works with The Ministry For Children and Families and other groups and organizations to improve the quality of care for Métis Children and Families.
Actively promotes the well-being of Metis children and families, creates awareness within the public regarding the needs of children, and liaises with other similar agencies and organizations.
To provide services, information, advocacy and cultural activities to the Métis people of the Quesnel area, and to promote Métis cultural awareness throughout the North Cariboo.
Aboriginal Infant Development Programs in British Columbia offer support to families of infants who are at risk for or have been diagnosed with developmental delays.
This organization provides basic food and shelter, support, information and referral for Aboriginal and Métis women and children who are fleeing domestic violence or are in crises.
Aims to enrich the lives of First Nations girls through one-to-one friendships that offer them support, guidance, and exposure to positive life choices and role models within their own culture.
Scw'exmx Child & Family Services is a fully delegated Child Protection agency mandated to provide child protection services on behalf of the Province of British Columbia to the Scw'exmx membership residing on reserve.
Sheway is a partnership initiative in the Vancouver area that provides comprehensive health and social services to women who are either pregnant or parenting children under 18 months old, and who are experiencing substance use issues.
Provides child and family services rooted in cultural values and beliefs to restore and enhance the strength and resiliency in the urban Aboriginal community.