The Aboriginal Canada Portal closed February 12, 2013. The Digital Aboriginals of True North Turtle Island have intervened. Please visit this web page for more information.
Confederation of Algonquin families striving to preserve Algonquin language, culture and territorial jurisdiction by working together and maintaining an enduring sense of Algonquin community.
Represents its member Nations in any negotiation or consultation with any level of government affecting the well-being of the member nations as a whole.
BTC’s website includes an events calendar, a quarterly newsletter, an overview of the BTC Governance History, member First Nations profiles, and Corporate Information, and much more.
The Independent First Nation Alliance was incorporated in 1989 to provide its member communities with technical advisory and community development support programs.
Matawa First Nations will provide assistance and resources to its ten (10) member First Nations in order to build strong and self-sufficient communities.
Represents the legitimate socioeconomic and political aspirations of its First Nation members to all levels of government to allow local self-determination while establishing spiritual, cultural, and economic independence.
Provides advisory services to communities in the areas of health services, second level education services, administration, financial management, economic development, employment and training services, technical and engineering services.
This site provides information on programs available to the Shibogama First Nations, as well as links to job opportunities and other First Nations' websites.
The Southern First Nations Secretariat is a service delivery organization accountable to, and promoting the collective interests of their member First Nations.
The United Chiefs and Councils of Manitoulin aim to foster and protect the interests and rights of their communities while respecting the customs and laws of the Anishinabek.
The Wabun Tribal Council is a dynamic community driven organization that is committed to providing quality services to its First Nation membership through innovative, culturally appropriate programming.