The Aboriginal Canada Portal closed February 12, 2013. The Digital Aboriginals of True North Turtle Island have intervened. Please visit this web page for more information.
Aboriginal-led co-management group working to conserve the Beverly and Qamanirjuaq caribou herds of northern Canada for the benefit of traditional caribou-using communities, and others.
Activities focus on the development of northern sustainable development advice, policies, strategies, legislation and regulations guiding renewable resources utilization, conservation and protection in Canada's three northern territories.
Source: Government of Canada; Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
Administers Crown land and water resources in the North through the development and implementation of policies, legislation, regulations and programs offered primarily in regional offices in NWT and Nunavut.
Source: Government of Canada; Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
The goal of this project is to develop and implement an effective system for monitoring Beverly and Qamanirjuaq caribou, caribou range, and human use of caribou that integrates scientific and local/ traditional knowledge.
Source: Beverly and Qamanirjuaq Caribou Management Board
Responsible for the management of surface and subsurface rights on Crown land in Nunavut to ensure the wise use of land resources through legislation and policies.
Source: Government of Canada; Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
This page describes Coburg Island which is part of the Davis Highlands and consists primarily of upland shield terrain with coastal lowlands in the northwest.
Source: Government of Canada; Environment Canada (EC)
Work towards reducing and, where possible, eliminating contaminants in traditionally harvested foods, while providing information that assists informed decision-making by individuals and communities in their food use.
Source: Government of Canada; Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
Manages the oil and gas resources on federal lands in the NWT, Nunavut and in the northern offshore, seeks practical solutions and increases understanding on oil and gas matters.
Source: Government of Canada; Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
Helps ensure the protection and wise use of wildlife and wildlife habitat for the long-term benefit of Inuit and the rest of the public of Nunavut and Canada.
This online catalogue features the collection of resource material of a number of agencies located in Iqaluit with a mandate or interest in wildlife management in Nunavut.