The Aboriginal Canada Portal closed February 12, 2013. The Digital Aboriginals of True North Turtle Island have intervened. Please visit this web page for more information.
Provides guidelines and the application form for the AACL Grant, which aims to develop Aboriginal arts and culture leadership at the individual, group and community levels.
The MIF specifically supports multicultural, First Nations and Métis initiatives and activities in the areas of cultural identity, intercultural understanding and issues related to social justice and harmony.
Sâkêwêwak Artists' Collective is an organization whose mandate is to ensure that contemporary Aboriginal artists are provided with the space and environment that allows them to develop their artistic practices.
Links to the Gabriel Dumont Institute Library, the Native Law Centre Library, the Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre, the Saskatchewan Indian Federated, and the College Library.
Source: Canadian Directory of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Library Collections
This program provides grants for projects that will increase access to and assist in the development of sport, culture and recreation programs and leadership opportunities for First Nations.
Source: Government of Saskatchewan; Community Initiatives Fund