The Aboriginal Canada Portal closed February 12, 2013. The Digital Aboriginals of True North Turtle Island have intervened. Please visit this web page for more information.
Educational program for residents of Northern Saskatchewan that has gained wide recognition, across the country and internationally, as one of the most successful Indian and Metis education programs in Canada.
Offered by the University of Regina, this program provides training in First Nations Language instruction, especially for language instructors and teachers' aides working in First Nations classrooms.
The NTEP, in partnership with the University of Regina, offers campus and community-based programs which prepare Inuit to become classroom teachers in Nunavut schools.
Nurtures Aboriginal student achievement by providing support services to all students who self-declare as being of Aboriginal ancestry at the University and who register with the Centre.
Seeks to provide an intellectual milieu where teaching and research are well grounded in the priorities and knowledge of Saskatchewan's Aboriginal communities.
The Indian Teacher Education Program at the University of Saskatchewan is a four year education program designed for First Nations students interested in obtaining a Bachelor of Education degree.
Works primarily with organizations and institutions to provide educational opportunities and promote programs toward improving social and economic conditions for Indigenous peoples locally and globally.
This page offers links to photographs, archival materials, Native law cases, information on Northwest Resistance, as well as providing search databases.
Promotes the renewal and the development of Métis culture through research, materials development, collections and the distribution of those materials and the development and delivery of Métis-specific educational programs and services.
Parkland Regional College is a proactive rural educational organization in which the College excels in facilitating learning opportunities for its communities.
SIIT serves First Nations adults by providing vocational and technical employment programming, as well as educational services for continued career growth.
Introduces the aboriginal student activity/counselling centres, present in all SIAST campuses, aiming to develop, establish and promote measures that will enhance the participation, success and cultures of aboriginal students.