The Aboriginal Canada Portal closed February 12, 2013. The Digital Aboriginals of True North Turtle Island have intervened. Please visit this web page for more information.
This organisation aims to protect children and to heal families through the provision of holistic, bi-cultural services that respect the heritage, values, customs and tradition of the Anishinaabe people.
Provides information about programs and facilities to people within the community and beyond. Additional features: job openings, news, upcoming events, links to other health sites, and maps.
Embraces a wholistic approach in the delivery of Health, Mental Health, Addictions, and Child Welfare services to compliment the strengths, values and traditions of Anishinabek children, families, and communities.
Weechi-it-te-win Family Services is an Indian alternative to child welfare that preserves Indian culture and identity among the people, to strengthen and maintain Indian families, etc.
Nog-Da-Win-Da-Min was established in 1990 as a Native Child and Family Services Agency. Its member First Nations mandated Nog-Da-Win-Da-Min to develop and implement a Native Child Welfare System that would provide culturally appropriate services to their children and families.
The programs and services offered by the centre include pre and postnatal care, nutrition, health education, health promotion, disease prevention, counselling and traditional healing and treatment.
The Ontario Day Care program provides access to child care services that promote and nurture healthy child development through formal child day care programs and related support services.
Source: Government of Canada; Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
The Association promotes and develops culturally appropriate training and delivery of social programs, policies and practices and recommends amendments as they apply toward First Nations people.
This page differentiates the different forms of abuse, as well as provides a list of websites linking to various organizations helping Aboriginal women in need.
This document shares information about what Aboriginal people feel they need to raise their children, and was developed to help non-Aboriginal service providers in improving service delivery to Aboriginal families.
Source: Best Start: Ontario's Maternal Newborn and Early Child Development
Strives to provide quality, wholistic health services by sharing and promoting traditional and western health practices to enable people to live in a more balanced state of well-being.
The goal of the Odawa Sweetgrass Home Child Care Agency is to provide quality care for aboriginal children in the homes of supervised, self-employed Aboriginal caregivers.
The mandate of the Centre is to create and deliver culturally-sensitive services that will prevent ill health, treat illness and provide support and aftercare.
Serves the Aboriginal community through traditional and contemporary health care relative to mind, body and spirit to foster healthy Aboriginal people and communities.
The purpose of the Weejeendimin Native Resource Centre is to improve the cultural and social well being of the Native population in the Kitchener-Waterloo area.