The Aboriginal Canada Portal closed February 12, 2013. The Digital Aboriginals of True North Turtle Island have intervened. Please visit this web page for more information.
Political organization that serves as an independent voice against injustice to Aboriginal women, and provides information and educational resources based on Aboriginal input in workshops on anti-violence and alternative forms of justice.
Source: Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres (CASAC)
Report on this two-day forum which brought together Aboriginal women concerned with violence against women with provincial health and anti-violence organizations and policy makers.
Source: BC Association of Specialized Victim Assistance and Counselling Programs
Atira Women's Resource Society is a not-for-profit organization committed to the work of ending violence against women through providing direct service, as well as working to increase awareness of and education around the scope and impact on our communities of men's violence against women and children.
Battered Women's Support Services uses traditional healing practices and offers culturally appropriate support services and programs run by Aboriginal women for Aboriginal women.
This 92-page document is a training tool designed for Aboriginal Elders and natural helpers on HIV/AIDS and aims to ensure that Aboriginal women will receive education, support and information about HIV/AIDS.
This program is designed to empower all First Nations women within childbearing years to make healthier lifestyle choices and decrease the number of alcohol- and/or drug-affected births in the community.
The Centre is a safe space where women can access services that address their immediate needs. It provides laundry facilities, washrooms and showers, telephone, personal hygiene supplies, among others.
Supporting young Iskwew’s between the ages of 12 & 18 with knowledge & awareness to make decisions that will enhance, create and sustain the life they want.
This organization provides basic food and shelter, support, information and referral for Aboriginal and Métis women and children who are fleeing domestic violence or are in crises.
Aims to enrich the lives of First Nations girls through one-to-one friendships that offer them support, guidance, and exposure to positive life choices and role models within their own culture.
Sheway is a partnership initiative in the Vancouver area that provides comprehensive health and social services to women who are either pregnant or parenting children under 18 months old, and who are experiencing substance use issues.
The Young Wolves Lodge is a non-judgmental place, where youth can come to be supported in their efforts to make positive changes for themselves and their children.
Our Sacred Strength captures the voices of aboriginal women across British Columbia, illuminating the many common concerns and challenges aboriginal women share, and the many different journeys each woman and each nation has followed in their pursuit to build a better future for their children.
The Aboriginal Women's Action Network (AWAN), in coalition with other Aboriginal women from Vancouver-based anti-violence agencies, have come together to conduct a participatory action research project on the issue of violence against Aboriginal women.