The Aboriginal Canada Portal closed February 12, 2013. The Digital Aboriginals of True North Turtle Island have intervened. Please visit this web page for more information.
These Youth Centres provides Aboriginal community-based, culturally relevant and supportive projects, programs, services and counselling to urban Aboriginal youth, in order to improve their economic, social and personal prospects.
Source: Government of Canada; Canadian Heritage (PCH)
The ArtsCan Circle is an independent, volunteer-run support group dedicated to linking creative artists with Native youth at risk in Canada, hence aiming at encouraging self-esteem amongst them.
These Bible camps for First Nations Youth are intended to make them disciples of Jesus Christ and establish indigenous churches that will propagate the Gospel in their own communities and beyond.
The Digital Drum site provides a place for Aboriginal Cultural expression — storytelling, media literacy, community traditions, activism and music – and contains video and audio footage.
This program offers funding to Aboriginal arts organizations that wish to work with Elders and the youth, two underserved segments of the Aboriginal arts community.
Source: Government of Canada; Canada Council for the Arts
ISPAYIN is an extensive project, led by the Métis Centre of the National Aboriginal Health Organization, to build awareness about Métis youth identity, health and well-being in a contemporary context.
Source: National Aboriginal Health Organization (NAHO)
The National Aboriginal High Performance Hockey Camp provides an elite national forum for the top Bantam/Midget aged Aboriginal hockey players in Canada.
Stemming from a commitment to document Elder knowledge, this website offers a wealth of stories, essays and video interviews about the Mushkegowuk and Anishinaabe peoples of Northeastern and Northwestern Ontario.
Our Story is a national short story contest aiming to educate Canadians about the defining moments in history that have shaped this country and its Aboriginal people.
This site introduces the film Road Scholars: Inuit Adventure Africa, a special one-hour documentary on six teenagers who spent their summer volunteering in rural Africa.