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- Aboriginal Capacity Development
- CMHC provides assistance to First Nations housing institutions and individual housing providers to help them acquire the skills and knowledge to design, build, inspect and manage housing on reserve.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
- Aboriginal Housing Program
- The objective of the program is to engage Habitat for Humanity affiliates across Canada in implementing pilot programs that will help make the homeownership available to more Aboriginal people.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: Habitat for Humanity Canada
- Aboriginal Housing Program
- This pilot program aims at matching partners with local affiliates that will help get more Aboriginal families into Habitat homes as homeowners.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: Habitat for Humanity Canada / Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
- Addressing First Nations' Housing Needs
- Through Canada's Economic Action Plan, the federal government is providing funds to support on-reserve housing.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Canada's Economic Action Plan
- CMHC Loan Insurance On-Reserve (PDF)
- This document describes four loan insurance options provided by the CMHC to help on-reserve Aboriginals buy, build or renovate homes.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
- Direct Lending Program
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation's Direct Lending Program provides financing and renewals for eligible social housing projects and offers the lowest average financing rate available.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
- Emergency Repair Program (ERP)
- Provides information about the Emergency Repair Program, which offers financial assistance to help low-income households in rural areas, for emergency repairs required for the continued safe occupancy of their home.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
- Estate Management
- The AANDC Estates programs aim to help families manage the estates of deceased, minor or mentally incompetent persons. This section provides information on the types of assistance available for families.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
- First Nation Housing
- This page offers information on the significant investment from the Government of Canada in housing and how the government is working with partners to establish training and development programs.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
- First Nation Infrastructure Fund
- The objective of the First Nations Infrastructure Fund is to improve the environment and the quality of life of Aboriginal communities by improving and increasing the development of public infrastructure.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
- First Nations Market Housing Fund
- This Fund was developed to broaden the range of housing options for residents of First Nations communities so that they may have the same housing opportunities as non-Aboriginal individuals.
- First Nations National Building Officers Association (FNNBOA)
- FNNBOA represents individuals providing residential, commercial and institutional construction and renovation, and technical services for buildings located in First Nation/Aboriginal communities.
- Health Facilities and Capital Program (See under Health Governance and Infrastructure Support)
- This program supports the construction, acquisition, leasing, operation and maintenance of nursing stations, health centres, health stations, health offices, treatment centres, staff residences, and operational support buildings.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Health Canada (HC)
- Home Adaptations for Seniors' Independence (HASI)
- The Home Adaptations for Seniors’ Independence (HASI) program offers financial assistance for minor home adaptations that will help low-income seniors to perform daily activities in their home independently and safely.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
- Homelessness Partnership Initiative
- Discusses the issue of homeless urban Aboriginals, and provides information on the strategy followed by the National Homelessness Initiative (NHI) and its Urban Aboriginal Homelessness component to tackle the issue.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)
- Homeowner Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP)
- Through this program, CMHC offers financial assistance to low-income homeowners for mandatory home repairs that will preserve the quality of affordable housing.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
- Housing
- Describes the First Nations Housing Action Plan, which provides a comprehensive outline for improvement to the housing and infrastructure crisis experienced by First Nations citizens living on and off reserve.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: Assembly of First Nations (AFN)
- Housing and Infrastructure
- ᓇᕿᑦ: Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nation Chiefs Secretariat
- Infrastructure and Housing
- This Web page provides information on the planning and development of construction projects and infrastructure services in First Nation communities.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
- Integrating Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy (EE/RE) Technologies Into Community Infrastructure Projects
- This page provides information about a government funding program that supports infrastructure projects integrating energy efficiency and renewable energy.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
- Loan Insurance Program On-Reserve with Ministerial Loan Guarantee (Section 10), The
- The program assists Band Councils or Aboriginal persons living on-reserve in accessing financing for the construction, purchase and/or renovation of single-family homes or multiple residential rental properties
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
- Matrimonial Real Property
- Discusses how in the Canadian legal system, matrimonial property is generally defined as property owned by one or both spouses and used for a family purpose.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
- Nasittuq
- Nasittuq Corporation is a Canadian Intercultural enterprise whose mission is to provide customers with exemplary technical and management services while increasing opportunities for Inuit participation.
- National Aboriginal Housing Association (NAHA)
- NAHA represents the interests of non-reserve Aboriginal housing providers in cities, towns and the north, and has elected members from all provinces and territories, and represents First Nation, Metis, Inuit and non-status communities.
- On-Reserve Non-Profit Housing Program (section 95)
- This page describes the On-Reserve Non-Profit Housing Program (section 95), which assists First Nations in the construction, purchase and rehabilitation, and administration of suitable, adequate and affordable rental housing on reserve.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
- Programs and Initiatives – Northern Housing
- In partnerships with Aboriginal communities and others, CMHC offers programs, innovative financing techniques and information on building practices which work under cold climate conditions.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
- Programs and Initiatives – Off-Reserve
- CMHC offers programs, financing techniques and information to meet the housing needs of First Nations, Métis and Inuit people off-reserve.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
- Programs and Initiatives – On-Reserve
- CMHC offers programs, innovative financing techniques, training tools and information to increase building capacity and address housing needs in First Nations communities.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
- Proposal Development Funding
- PDF is an interest free repayable loan available to eligible Band Councils to assist in the development of project proposals for the Section 95 On-Reserve Non Profit Housing Program.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
- Rental Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP)
- The Rental Residential Rehabilitation Program (Rental RRAP) offers financial assistance to landlords of affordable housing to pay for mandatory repairs to self-contained units occupied by low-income tenants.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
- Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) for Persons with Disabilities
- This program offers financial assistance to homeowners and landlords to undertake accessibility work to modify dwellings occupied or intended for occupancy by low-income persons with disabilities.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
- Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) On-Reserve
- RRAP On-Reserve offers financial assistance in order to repair substandard homes to a minimum level of health and safety and to improve the accessibility of housing for disabled persons.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
- Rez Water
- This page discusses drinking water standards and the importance for First Nations communities of having access to safe drinking water supplies.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: Water.ca
- Shelter Enhancement Program (SEP)
- This program offers financial assistance for the repair, rehabilitation and improvement of existing shelters for women and their children, youth and men who are victims of family violence.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
- Summative Evaluation of the Capital Facilities and Maintenance Program
- This program supplies public services in capital facilities and maintenance and also assists First Nations in acquiring, constructing, operating and maintaining basic community facilities.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
- Time for Action: A National Plan to Address Aboriginal Housing, A (PDF)
- ᓇᕿᑦ: National Aboriginal Housing Association
- Urban Native Housing Program
- The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP) is the sole national representative organization whose affiliates are open to over 800,000 off-reserve Indian, Inuit, and Metis people.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP)
- Water
- This page is AANDC's Water Index Page, which offers links to protocol for safe drinking, water management strategy, infrastructure and maintenance, etc.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
- Working with Aboriginal People
- This page by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation provides information on housing programs and initiatives for Aboriginal people as well as other resources and news.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)