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Algoma University
- Anishinaabe Students
- This page highlights the services that are made available to Anishinaabe students at Algoma University.
- Department of Community Economic and Social Development (Certificate)
- This innovative, interdisciplinary honours program combines economic and social approaches to community development.
- Interdisciplinary Indigenous Learning Certificate (one year)
- Provides an overview of the one-year Certificate in Interdisciplinary Indigenous Learning, offered at Algoma University College, including course descriptions.
- Shingwauk Anishinaabe Students' Association
- SASA’s objectives are to provide cultural, social and academic support for all Anishinaabe students and to increase their participation in all aspects of university life.
Brock University
- Aboriginal Education Council – Student Development Centre
- Serves the educational needs of the Aboriginal Students at Brock University, in particular culturally appropriate programs, hereby affirming Aboriginal Sovereignty as First Nations Peoples.
- Aboriginal Student Services – Student Development Centre
- Helps all Aboriginal students, including Native, Inuit, and Métis, make the transition to the Brock University community.
- Tecumseh Centre for Aboriginal Research in Education – Faculty of Education
- Strengthens knowledge of Aboriginal culture and language in both the Native and non-Native communities. Their courses and programs are open to all interested students.
Carleton University
- Aboriginal Enriched Support Program
- The aims of the AESP are: to provide access to post-secondary education for Aboriginal students; for participants to have a successful entrance to university studies; for participants to feel respected as Aboriginal students within the ESP and greater Carleton communities.
- Aboriginal Studies and the North – Master of Arts
- This program consists of a co-ordinated approach to graduate work in Aboriginal Studies and the North as a special area of scholarship, leading to a degree of Master of Arts within the School of Canadian Studies.
- Centre for Aboriginal Culture and Education – Equity Services
- Works to provide support for Aboriginal members of the University community including specialized peer and motivational counselling for Aboriginal students and staff, and, when resources permit, offers an Elder-on-Campus program.
Lakehead University
- Aboriginal Cultural and Support Services
- ACSS's goal is to provide a culturally supportive environment to all Aboriginal students of Lakehead University. It offers various services such as administrative, academic, individual, cultural, and transitional support.
- Aboriginal Management Council (AMC)
- The AMC serves as a channel for communications between the Aboriginal peoples and Lakehead University, and seeks the promotion, enhancement, pursuit, availability, and accessibility of Aboriginal post-secondary education.
- Aboriginal Programs
- This page links to information on various Aboriginal programs offered at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay.
- Canadian Research Chair (CRC) - Indigenous Education
- This page highlights the research conducted by Dr. Judy Iseke's at Canada Research Chair on Indigenous Education. Her current research is focused on stories and histories of Indigenous peoples.
- Office of Aboriginal Initiatives
- Provides leadership in Aboriginal affairs and advances, within the University community, an understanding of Aboriginal culture, heritage and language through activities which heighten the awareness of Aboriginal issues and identity.
Laurentian University and Lakehead University
- Northern Ontario School of Medicine
- Educates skilled physicians and undertakes health research suited to community needs. In fulfilling this mission NOSM will become a cornerstone of community health care in Northern Ontario.
Laurentian University
- Native Studies
- The Native studies program provides a unique perspective and is dedicated to the revival of Native self-determination and the renewal of Native thought and languages.
- Native Style (Programs and Services)
- Native Style is the student services department at Laurentian University.
- School of Native Human Services
McMaster University
- Aboriginal Students Health Sciences Office
- McMaster University's Native Students Health Sciences Office offers a variety of services, including: career counseling, assistance with admissions; and removing barriers for Aboriginal students in health sciences programs.
- Indigenous Health Research Knowledge Transfer Network
- This network is an extension of IHRDP, focused on developing a core group of researchers, community organizations, policy-makers and community members interested in Aboriginal health in Ontario.
- Indigenous Studies
- Recruits and assists Indigenous students in obtaining a degree in their area of interest; increases awareness of Indigenous cultures and issues; works collaboratively with Native communities.
Nipissing University
- Aboriginal Services and Programs
- Provides individual assistance to Aboriginal students as well as facilitates group orientation sessions on various subjects such as academic planning, budgeting, scholarships, bursaries, etc.
- Aboriginal Teacher Certificate Program
- The Aboriginal Teacher Certificate Program has been designed to prepare people of Native ancestry for teaching positions in Ontario. The page provides admission and programme requirements.
- Native Classroom and Teaching Programs
- On completion of this program the Native Special Education Assistant will have the skills to work with handicapped children, and with children experiencing behavioural problems, in their community environment.
- Native Studies
- This page links to information about Native Studies at Nipissing University, such as course descriptions, program requirements and other resources.
Queen's University
- Aboriginal Teacher Education Program, The
- The Aboriginal Teacher Education Program (ATEP) at Queen's University Faculty of Education is a unique program track, which provides an opportunity for candidates to specialize in Aboriginal education.
- Four Directions Aboriginal Student Centre
- Enhances the development and well-being of the Queen's University Aboriginal Community and welcomes and encourages all students to develop an awareness and appreciation of the Aboriginal experience in Canada.
Ryerson Polytechnic University
- Aboriginal Student Services
- Ryerson University Aboriginal Student Services delivers cultural and academic services to its Aboriginal student population.
Six Nations Polytechnic
- Six Nations Polytechnic
- Six Nations Polytechnic is devoted to facilitating the will and determination of our community to maintain an environmentally friendly world through education, training and research.
Trent University
- Frost Centre for Canadian Studies and Native Studies
- Trent University's Frost Centre for Canadian Studies and Native Studies aids interdisciplinary scholarship on a broad range of thematics related to Canadian Studies and Native Studies.
- Indigenous Studies
- Indigenous Studies brings the richness and depth of indigenous cultures and knowledge to your classroom.
- Indigenous Studies Ph.D. Program
- The Indigenous Studies Ph.D. Program at Trent University brings together Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students to study the historical, cultural and contemporary situation of Aboriginal peoples.
University of Guelph
- Aboriginal Student Association
- The Aboriginal Resource Centre at the University of Guelph provides a culturally supportive environment that promotes academic excellence and the intellectual, spiritual and emotional development of Aboriginal students.
University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT)
- Aboriginal Students
University of Ottawa
- Aboriginal Education Program (B.Ed.)
- The Native Teacher Education Program, is offered part-time over two-years and combines in-school work, distance education and practice teaching.
- Aboriginal Health Program – Faculty of Medicine
- This is the site for the Aboriginal Health Program at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, including links and documentation.
- Aboriginal Legal Services Division – University of Ottawa Community Legal Clinic
- Strives to ensure that Aboriginal people have meaningful access to the justice system, and that they are treated fairly, equitably, and with respect when they come into contact with the justice system.
- Aboriginal Resource Centre, The
- Develops initiatives that support and benefit the Aboriginal students. The ARC also promotes strong working relationships with government agencies, as well as with Aboriginal communities and organizations.
- Aboriginal Student Association
- The University of Ottawa Aboriginal Student Association (UOASA) strives to strengthen the voice and unity of the University of Ottawa's Aboriginal population.
- Aboriginal Studies – Faculty of Arts
- Provides a firm general-knowledge base while also focusing on Aboriginal history, philosophy, religions, cultures and arts, and on the languages of Canadian and North American Aboriginal peoples.
- Indilex – The Indigenous Law Database
- This University of Ottawa database provides an extensive collection of information and links involving international and country specific indigenous legislation.
University of Sudbury
- Native Studies
- The Department of Native Studies works under the guidance of the Laurentian University Native Education Council in developing programmes that address First Nations community needs.
University of Toronto
- Aboriginal Education Survey – Ontario Institute of Studies in Education
- The survey is part of a research study titled Aboriginal post-secondary participation, access and persistence in Ontario and is intended to improve postsecondary programs for Aboriginal students.
- Aboriginal Studies – University College Programs
- Focuses on the languages, cultures, histories, creativity and well-being of Indigenous Peoples and on their knowledge within Canada and globally.
- First Nations House
- FNH is not only the home of Aboriginal U of T students, it also provides a link to Toronto's Aboriginal community, allowing others in the university to learn and network.
- Indigenous Law Journal
- The Indigenous Law Journal is a student-run legal journal from the University of Toronto that exclusively publishes articles regarding Indigenous legal issues.
- Native Student Association
- The NSA at the University of Toronto is committed to creating social and cultural networks of students through feasts, social gatherings, conferences and cultural events.
- Student Life and Support Services – Aboriginal Studies
- This page describes some of the Aboriginal student life and support services offered at the University of Toronto.
University of Waterloo
- Aboriginal Services
- This site is designed to help you find information and resources to make your academic career at the University of Waterloo as productive and enjoyable as possible.
University of Western Ontario
- First Nations Studies Program
- This site features the First Nations Studies Program at University of Western Ontario, providing course descriptions as well as links and resources for Aboriginal students.
- Indigenous Services – Student Development Services
- Offers counseling services and programs to First Nations, Métis and Inuit students in an encouraging and supportive environment.
University of Windsor
- Aboriginal Course List
- This page provides a compilation of all courses at the University of Windsor that either focus on Aboriginal material or possess an element of it.
- Turtle Island Aboriginal Education Centre
- Turtle Island Aboriginal Education Centre was created in 1992 with the mandate of ensuring services and Programs to meet the needs of Aboriginal students in a culturally supportive atmosphere
Wilfrid Laurier University
- Aboriginal Field of Study – Faculty of Social Work
- This page provides an overview of the new Aboriginal Field of Study at Wilfrid Laurier University, including admission requirements, course schedule and descriptions.
- Aboriginal Student Services – Brantford Campus
- This page provides information about help and services offered to aboriginal students of Wilfrid Laurier University in Brantford, including financial support and internship opportunities.
- Aboriginal Student Services - Waterloo Campus
- This page provides information about help and services offered to aboriginal students of Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, including financial support and internship opportunities.
- Indigenous Studies Program – Brantford Campus
- This page provides information on the classes offered as part of the Indigenous Program Minor at Wilfrid Laurier University.
York University
- Aboriginal Students' Association at York
- ASAY provides a positive atmosphere and activities; emotional, social and spiritual guidance; a cultural basis to maintain balance; resourceful info and people.
- Aboriginal Studies Cross-Disciplinary Certificate
- Focusing on Aboriginal history, cultures, arts, rights and governance, this cross-disciplinary certificate allows students to gain deeper comprehension of the enduring presence of Aboriginal societies and cultures in Canada.
- Indigenous Teacher Education - Faculty of Education
- This page describes the Indigenous Teacher Education program, which is designed to prepare teacher candidates to meet the needs related to teaching Indigenous material to both Indigenous and non-Indigenous students.
Algonquin College
- Mamidosewin Native Student Centre
- Provides a warm, supportive and welcoming environment along with opportunities for career, academic and personal counselling, as well as traditional healing, meeting with elders, attending socials and educational workshops.
Cambrian College
- Cambrian Native Students' Association (CNSA)
- The aims and objective of CNSA are to represent all Cambrian College students who have an interest in First Nations culture, association and economy; to unite and maintain communication between First Nations students and support them.
- Wabnode – Centre for Aboriginal Services
- Committed to the development, and delivery of holistic educational programs suited to the aspirations of First Nations People through programs and services that recognize the special Heritage and Culture of First Nations People.
Canadore College
- Aboriginal Learning Unit
- Offers cultural relevancy within post-secondary programming combined with integration and articulation of post-secondary programs to increase student opportunities for dual diplomas, certificates and/or specialization and employment options for our graduates.
- Aviation Pilot – Fixed Wing – Aboriginal Program
- The FNTI Aviation Diploma program is the only indigenous, postsecondary program of its kind in Canada and provides an opportunity for Aboriginal learners to become qualified as professional pilots.
- Indigenous Wellness and Addictions Prevention Program
- Through the promotion of personal and spiritual growth within the healing process, students will acquire the ability to address their own needs and those of individual clients or groups.
Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
- Aboriginal Services
- Conestoga College invites people to take advantage of the aboriginal resources and services provided.
Fanshawe College
- First Nations Centre
- Provides academic services, social, cultural, and recreational activities as well as a comfortable atmosphere for our First Nations students.
First Nations Technical Institute (FNTI)
- College Programs
- This page provides a list of college programs offered at the First Nations Technical Institute in partnership with various Canadian colleges.
- University Programs
- This page provides a list of university programs offered at the First Nations Technical Institute in partnership with various renowned Canadian universities.
Fleming College
- Aboriginal Education Services at Fleming
- Offers activities such as Talking Circles and special ceremonies, socials, Pow-wows, and educational and personal counselling. Facilities include an Aboriginal Library and a Aboriginal Student Lounge with fully networked computers.
Georges Brown College
- Aboriginal Student Services
- This page provides an overview of the programs, services, courses and initiatives aimed at Aboriginal students at George Brown College.
Georgian College
- Aboriginal Pre–Health Sciences
- This one-year certificate program is designed to assist students, both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal, find a health science program that best suit their needs.
- Anishnabe Education and Training Circle
- Addresses the spectrum of matters affecting Anishnabe post-secondary education in order to ensure that the Seven Generations hereafter will have culturally appropriate and Anishnabe controlled post-secondary education available to them.
- Native Community and Social Development Program
- The Native Community and Social Development program is focused on the planning, development, evaluation and administration of social/health care services within the Native community.
- Native Community and Social Development – The Library Commons
- Selected library and Internet resources compiled by Library subject specialists pertaining to Native community and social development.
- Shki-Miikan Foundation Year
- This program is designed to enhance the Native student's sense of cultural identity, develop a solid academic base, assess education/career options and develop self-management skills.
Humber College
- Aboriginal Resource Centre
- Aboriginal Student Circle
- Indigenous Knowledge Certificate
Lambton College
- First Nations Students' Centre
- Welcomes all students from every walk of life and focuses on helping and servicing student's needs.
Loyalist College of Applied Arts and Technology
- Aboriginal Resource Centre
- Ensures appropriate support for Native students on campus and acts as a liaison between College administration, Native communities and government agencies.
Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology
- Aboriginal Education and Student Services
- The Aboriginal Education Council of Mohawk College ensures access to and the delivery of quality programs and services in an environment designed to contribute to the well-being of Aboriginal Peoples.
Mohawk College Radio
- Broadcast - Radio
- Offers a two year program in Broadcast - Radio.
Negahneewin College of Academic and Community Development
- Negahneewin College of Academic and Community Development
Niagara College
- First Nations Student Services
- Committed to addressing the spectrum of components comprising Aboriginal Education, so that it may ensure that the seven generations hereafter, of our People, will have Aboriginal culturally appropriate and controlled education available to them.
Northern College of Applied Arts and Technology
- Aboriginal Early Childhood Education Apprenticeship Program
- The Aboriginal Early Childhood Education Apprenticeship Program at Ontario's Northern College includes in-school and apprenticeship components, and leads to certification as Aboriginal Early Childhood Educator.
- Aboriginal Portal
- Aboriginal Programs
- Ontario's Northern College offers the following Aboriginal Programs: Carpenter, Cree Translation, General Arts and Science, Introductory Management, Personal Support Worker, and Teacher Assistant.
- Native Residential Construction Worker Apprenticeship Program
- The Native Residential Construction Worker Apprenticeship Program at Ontario's Northern College consists of in-school and apprenticeship components, and helps students become skilled in all aspects of residential and commercial construction.
- Student Services: Aboriginal Services
- Home page of the Aboriginal Services which describes programs and services available to Aboriginal students at the Northern College.
Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology
- Native Education
- Home page of the Native Education, which offers various links to different Aboriginal college programs.
Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
- Aboriginal Student Services
- Demonstrating continued support for Aboriginal students over the years Seneca College provides a variety of services and resources such as the Aboriginal Resource Area, and an Aboriginal Services Consultant.
St. Clair College
- Aboriginal Student Centre and Services (ACSC)
- Home page of the Aboriginal Student Centre and Services (ACSC)which links to programs, services and funding.