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- Aboriginal Elder Abuse in Canada (PDF)
- The focus of this report is to examine and define the issue of elder abuse in the Aboriginal population in Canada.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: Aboriginal Healing Foundation
- Ageing and Cultural Diversity – Our Nations Elders Speak
- Discusses how elders from First Nations, Inuit and Ethnocultural Minority communities face common issues involving unwanted isolation which result from language barriers, cultural barriers, minority status and limited access to services, accentuating the problems of unwanted isolation.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: National Indian and Inuit Community Health Representatives Organization (NIICHRO)
- Assisted Living Program
- Assists First Nations people with functional limitations to maintain their independence, to maximize their level of functioning, and to live in conditions of health and safety.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
- Barriers to Healthy Living and Movement for Frail Aboriginal Elders, The
- This page describes the findings of NIICHRO's Coming Full Circle project, which was meant to help uncover issues that affect frail elderly Aboriginal people in Canada.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: National Indian and Inuit Community Health Representatives Organization
- Changed Lifestyle: Older Aboriginal Adults, A (PDF)
- Discusses how modern ways of life have brought dramatic social changes. Many Aboriginal seniors are no longer considered productive members of their society.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: Alberta Centre for Active Living
- Dangerous Prescriptions? Benzodiazepine Use among Aboriginal Senior Women
- This article discusses the long-standing problem that is the over-prescription of benzodiazepines to older Aboriginal women.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: Centres of Excellence for Women's Health
- Don't Say Marmalade When you Mean Jam: HIV/AIDS Information for Aboriginal Elders
- The booklet was created with the goal of educating elders about safer sex by looking at the barriers to this discussion.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: Canadian Women's Health Network
- First Nations Diabetes Programs
- This article offers a range of interesting and innovative community programs and approaches in diabetes prevention, treatment and care, aimed primarily but not exclusively at elders.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: National Indian and Inuit Community Health Representatives Organization (NIICHRO)
- First Nations Falls Prevention – A Guide for Aboriginal Communities (PDF)
- This comprehensive document promotes the health and independence of Elders by offering information about falls among Elders, suggestions for reducing risk factors, and ideas for encouraging an active lifestyle.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: University of Ottawa
- Inspired by Elders – Vol. 27, Summer 2004 (In Touch Magazine)
- This online edition of the National Indian and Inuit Community Health Representatives Organization's In Touch Magazine focuses on health-related issues of importance to elders.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: National Indian and Inuit Community Health Representatives Organization (NIICHRO)
- Keeping Our Frail Elders Involved – Community Programs that Work
- This page summarizes the results of the surveys conducted by NIICHRO conducted with CHRs in communities across Canada about their programs for their frail elderly.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: National Indian and Inuit Community Health Representatives Organization (NIICHRO)
- Resources – Our Nations' Elders Speak
- This page lists and describes several publications, organizations, elders' projects and videos pertaining to Aboriginal elders.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: National Indian and Inuit Community Health Representatives Organization (NIICHRO)
- Spirit in Motion – Active Living and Aboriginal Older Adults – Vol. 14, Spring 2000 (In Touch Magazine)
- This issue is dedicated to the topic of Aboriginal seniors and active living, and raises awareness of its importance for Aboriginal seniors.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: National Indian and Inuit Community Health Representatives Organization (NIICHRO)
- Traditional Health and Healing
- This annual event is hosted in First Nations territory and has for purpose to support the creation of an environment where traditional First Nations Healers and Elders can come together to discuss needs and priorities related to traditional health, healing and related knowledge.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: National Aboriginal Health Organization (NAHO)
- vNbu X3NstsJ6 xg3i3l4bwomt5ti3u4 wkw5 kNoq8i x7m cspmctOE1i6, yMgctOE1i6 wvJDt vNbu X3NstsJj5 xg3i3l4bwomt5ti3u4 wkw5 kNoq8i (PDF)
- Includes the National Strategy to reduce incidents of violence and abuse in Inuit communities, as well as a guide offering ideas to share wisdom and knowledge to end the abuse.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: Pauktuutit Inuit Women's Association