Represents its member Nations in any negotiation or consultation with any level of government affecting the well-being of the member nations as a whole.
Enables the political leadership to discuss regional, provincial and national priorities affecting First Nation people in Ontario and provides a unified voice on these issues.
IAPO operates a loans program and an advisory service to assist Status Indian farmers to achieve the economic utilization of the agricultural resources on Ontario First Nations territories.
Brings Métis people together to celebrate and share their rich culture and heritage and to forward the aspirations of the Métis people in Ontario as a collective.
Provides a culturally relevant and informative conference program which will increase the knowledge, skills and effectiveness of First Nations Education Counsellors.
ONWA is a provincial organization that represents Aboriginal women and their families on matters that effect the political, social, education, economic, and justice issues of their daily lives.
The Anishinabek Nation, founded in 1949 as the Union of Ontario Indians, is a political advocate and secretariat to 43 member First Nations across Ontario.