The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples represents off-reserve Indians and Métis people living in urban, rural and remote areas throughout Canada. Please note, this organization does not issue Métis cards.
Membership is open to all Metis individuals who either reside in Nova Scotia or beyond, whose families who originated in Nova Scotia. From the left-hand side menu, click on "Our Nation", and then "Membership".
The purpose of the MNO Registry is to list Métis people in the Province of Ontario who meet the standards for registration in accordance with the pre-established criteria.
The Historic Saugeen Registry fulfills the inherent right of self-government of the Historic Saugeen Metis community, Métis of the Lake Huron Watershed.
Métis Nation – Saskatchewan has undertaken the responsibility for the development of a registry of Métis in Saskatchewan based upon the definition provided in the Métis Constitution.