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Liens institutionnels
Divulgation proactive
ᓈᓴᐅᓯᕆᓂᖅ ᐊᒻᒪ ᓄᓇᙳᐊᑦ
- 2006 Census Aboriginal Population Profile
- These profiles present community-level information from the 2006 Census of Population.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Statistics Canada (SC)
- 2006 Community Profiles
- These profiles present community level information from the 2006 Census of Population.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Statistics Canada (SC)
- Aboriginal Children's Survey
- The Aboriginal Children's Survey (ACS) is designed to provide a picture of the early childhood development of First Nations/North American Indian, Inuit and Métis children under the age of six.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Statistics Canada (SC)
- Aboriginal Children's Survey: Family, Community and Child Care
- This page presents initial results from the 2006 Aboriginal Children's Survey, which provides data about Inuit, Métis and off-reserve First Nations children under 6 years of age.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Statistics Canada (SC)
- Aboriginal Communities
- Location-based information connects Aboriginal people and their communities, enabling them to map their futures, manage resources, and capitalize on opportunities.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; GeoConnections
- Aboriginal Mapping Network, The
- Supports aboriginal and indigenous peoples facing similar issues, such as land claims, treaty negotiations and resource development, with common tools, such as traditional use studies, GIS mapping and other information systems.
- Aboriginal Peoples
- This page links to various documents, studies, reports and statistical data about the Aboriginal peoples of Canada.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Statistics Canada
- Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: Inuit, Métis and First Nations – 2006 Census Findings
- This document provides detailed analysis of the 2006 Census of Population data concerning Aboriginal peoples.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Statistics Canada (SC)
- Aboriginal Peoples of Canada: Highlight Tables – 2006 Census
- Series of tables providing data on Aboriginal Peoples of Canada.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Statistics Canada (SC)
- Aboriginal Peoples of Canada – Thematic Maps – 2006 Census
- Shows the spatial distribution of one or more Aboriginal specific data themes for standard geographic areas.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Statistics Canada (SC)
- Aboriginal Peoples of Canada – Topic–based Tabulations – 2006 Census
- This series of tables will paint a portrait of Canada based on various Aboriginal topics, that is on groups of variables on related subjects.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Statistics Canada (SC)
- First Nation Profiles
- The First Nation Profile Site is a user friendly site which allows quick and easy access to current national First Nation community profiles.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
- First Nations Statistical Institute
- First Nations Statistics aims to become an objective center of statistical expertise for First Nations communities and other stakeholders.
- First Peoples' Language Map of B.C
- ᓇᕿᑦ: First Peoples' Heritage, Language and Culture Council
- Inuit Statistical Profile
- The Inuit Statistical Profile is a compilation of data taken from government and academic sources and is intended to provide a snapshot of life in Inuit communities.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK)
- Languages of Canada
- That page contains descriptions of all the languages spoken in Canada.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: Ethnologue.com
- Naasautit: Inuit Health Statistics
- Naasautit is a national project to enable Inuit regional organizations and communities to make better use of existing statistics on Inuit health.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: Inuit Qaujisarvinga Learning Centre
- Timeline and Maps
- This page provides a series of maps illustrating the historical evolution of Canada through treaty-making between 1867 and 1999, focussing on the Numbered Treaties.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)