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Liens institutionnels
Divulgation proactive
- Aboriginal Languages
- The Language Portal of Canada is a Web site that showcases Canadian expertise in the area of language.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Language Portal of Canada (LCP)
- Aboriginal Languages – 2001 Aboriginal Peoples Survey
- Examines the strength of Aboriginal languages among North American Indian people, the Métis and Inuit in non-reserve areas, and focuses on factors associated with perpetuating and revitalizing these languages.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Statistics Canada (SC)
- Aboriginal Languages by Community, 1996 – The Atlas of Canada (Maps)
- This map shows the major aboriginal language families by community in Canada for the year 1996.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
- Aboriginal Languages of Canada
- This page presents various information and statistics pertaining to Aboriginal languages of Canada.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: University of Calgary
- Aboriginal Peoples' Program – Aboriginal Languages Initiative
- Maintains and revitalizes Aboriginal languages for future generations by increasing the number of Aboriginal language speakers, by encouraging the transmission of these languages from generation to generation, and by expanding language usage in family and community settings.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Canadian Heritage (PCH)
- Aboriginal School Books – First Language Children's Literature
- The books Nortext helps publish are almost always in first languages containing stories and illustrations created in the communities by Aboriginal authors and illustrators.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: Nortext
- Cree - Innu Linguistic Atlas
- Cree Wikipedia
- First Peoples' Language Map of B.C
- ᓇᕿᑦ: First Peoples' Heritage, Language and Culture Council
- FirstVoices – Language Archives Celebrating World Indigenous Cultures
- Language Archive containing languages form world indigenous cultures.
- Index of Aboriginal Language Ability, 1996 – The Atlas of Canada (Maps)
- The Index of Ability compares the number of people who report being able to speak the language with the number who have that Aboriginal language as a mother tongue.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
- Index of Aboriginal Language Continuity, 1996 – The Atlas of Canada (Maps)
- The Index of Continuity measures language continuity, or vitality, by comparing the number of those who speak a given language at home to the number of those who learned the language as their mother tongue.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
- Indigenous Voices
- The Virtual Museum of Metis History and Culture porovides and exhibit of recordings in heritage languages.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: The Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture
- Languages of Canada
- That page contains descriptions of all the languages spoken in Canada.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: Ethnologue.com
- Language Toolkit
- ᓇᕿᑦ: First Peoples' Cultural Council
- LearnMichif.com
- LearnMichif.com provides information and background on the Métis culture and Michif language, including basic language lessons.
- Native People, Languages – The Canadian Encyclopedia
- Presents information and statistics on the distinct indigenous languages spoken in Canada.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: Historica
- Online Cree Dictionary
- The Online Cree Dictionary also provides various language tools, useful links, a syllabic converter and a kids section.
- Our Story – Aboriginal Writing Challenge
- Our Story is a national short story contest aiming to educate Canadians about the defining moments in history that have shaped this country and its Aboriginal people.
- ᓇᕿᑦ: The Dominion Institute
- Terminology
- Provides writers with background information and guidance on appropriate word usage and style issues.
ᓇᕿᑦ: ᑲᓇᑕᐅᑉ ᒐᕙᒪᖓ; Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
- Tusaalanga Inuktitut – Learning Inuktitut Online
- Tusaalanga is an Inuktitut learning website that features hundreds of vocabulary items, dialogues, sound files and grammar notes, all organized into a series of lessons.